Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's Willie Horton!!

Yesterday, we had the honor to wait in line 1 1/2 hours to get Tiger Legend Willie Horton's autograph. He was signing balls and pictures but when Matt came up and asked him to sign Matt's autobiography of him, he got chatty with Matt. He told him the book was in it's 3rd printing and they are making a movie. Matt asked who was playing him and he said he didn't know but they "will find somebody, I'm sure". He said he used the proceeds from the 2nd printing to buy houses for hurricane Katrina families. Something interesting and admirable about Mr Horton is during the race riots of the 60's in Detroit, he stood on top of his car in the middle of the riots, wearing his Tiger uniform and pleaded for Peace. Unfortunately, the masses didn't listen. He grew up in Detroit and still works for the Tigers today---as special assistant to GM Dombrowski, along with Al Kaline. Quite a Guy!!

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