Friday, May 2, 2008

I Love to Read

I love to read. I love it so much that I can't even call it an interest or pastime. Matt gave me a calander for Christmas that has a book recommendation for each day and now I go to the library armed with a very long list of books to read. I just finished this book
and loved it. It is historical fiction taking place during WW2 and is about the efforts of a small Italian village to protect and hide a large group of Jews who have crossed the Alps to escape the horrors that awaited them. It's called A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell

Anyway---it is a rainy day and there isn't much to take a picture of-and I can't get that book out of my mind. What is really exciting about today is this-------the car is packed and we are leaving shortly to go to Angola for Adam's graduation. It will be great to see him---Matt is going with us and we are a very proud family. I will post some pictures later---my camera and computer are going with me!

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